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Are your workers stressed out?

HR news have published this article today about how small businesses are least likely to have stressed out workers.

Why not read up on our top tips for keeping your employees from getting stressed!

Add some green to the work place, this can have an amazing impact on stress levels and even increase productivity!

Switch to a standing desk.  It has been found that standing desks can reduce blood sugar spikes, improve heart health as well as alleviating back and neck pain which can decrease the risk of depression and anxiety.

Declutter.  A chaotic work environment quite often means a chaotic mind.  As clutter is visually distracting, taking time to clear surfaces, organise drawers and throwing rubbish away can make workplace more serene and doesn’t take a lot of effort!

Improve Light Quality.  Fluorescent strip lights might be good for electricity bills and might be used as the sole source of light energy for business, but they can lead to migraines, and therefore disrupted sleep and increased anxiety. If changing all the lighting is not an easy option, you could easily add a light filter which is inexpensive and easy to do.

Set Timers and follow the Pomodoro technique. This simple strategy allows workers to focus and get through difficult tasks by working on one particular task at a time, by setting a timer for 25 minutes and then take a five minute break, this should be repeated no more than four times in a day and can split a long working day into manageable chunks!

Healthy and happy people are more productive at work and reducing stress factors does not need to be drastic or expensive for employers.

If you cannot deal with stress by yourself, try natural medicine like Gold Bali Kratom.

For more information and advice, please contact us:                

And here is the HR News article! :

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